Power Your Performance
in Golf and Fitness.
We are a pioneering company specializing in ground reaction force training aids that focus on improving physical performance and prevention of injury. From fitness enthusiasts to the elite athlete, our mission is to provide the highest quality products, education, and exercise programming so everyone can improve from the ground up.
Training Aids
Accurate & Compact
Science-driven training aids that enhance performance in Golf and Fitness.

#1 Ground Reaction Force Training Aid
The Force Pedal ®
The Force Pedal is a specialized training aid designed to help you maximize Golf performance by focusing on Ground Reaction Forces (GRF) . Its key purpose is to help golfers improve their balance, stability & proprioception, and overall speed & power through optimized Force Timing & Point of Application to maximize during the swing.

Challenge Your System with
Train4Dynamics ®
Following the success of The Force Pedal in Golf, now comes our latest addition developed for Fitness with the same high quality design from Italy. Add challenges to your program to keep your brain body connection progressing. Rehabilitate, work on sport specific movements or simply improve your overall movement quality with this versatile training tool.
Endorsed by world champions
and top instructors.
Our versatile tools, crafted by biomechanics experts, medical professionals and top trainers, are utilized by leading global educators and elite athletes around the world.
Progressive Programs
Keep advancing and improving with our carefully crafted Golf and Fitness programs.
Drill Series Volume 1
How To Use Our Training Aids
We offer comprehensive programs featuring instructional videos, ensuring that you can effectively utilize our training aids to maximize your performance and results.
Always consult your physician before beginning any exercise program. This general information is not intended to diagnose any medical condition or to replace your healthcare professional. Always consult with your healthcare professional to design an appropriate exercise prescription. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding any medical condition. Any information, content, and educational material provided by theforcepedal.com is for informational purposes only and are not intended to serve as a substitute for any consultation, diagnosis, treatment plan or any form of medical treatment of a qualified physician or healthcare provider. Any exercise equipment purchased on theforcepedal.com or any other platform that sells the T4D and The Force Pedal is to be used solely at your own risk. theforcepedal.com without limitations, is not responsible for any injuries which may occur as a result and may not be held liable for any damages whether incidental, ordinary or consequential. theforcepedal.com does not make any guarantee of any particular end result. Any and all products sold on theforcepedal.com are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.