The Force Pedal ®
and Train4Dynamics ®

These 2 products have been invented by top biomechanist and sports scientist, Dr. Mauro Testa. Along with his expertise, we have collaborated with vastly experienced health practitioners and golf coaches to offer an introduction of exercises that add challenges to our body movement patterns in multiple planes of motion… and these movement patterns are key components in the golf swing. Train your movement to train your brain…. increasingly adding challenges with The T4D and The Force Pedal to further your movement success, both on and off the golf course!

The Discussion

Check out these informative discussion to learn more about why the T4D was invented and the importance of training functional movements patterns from our experts.

Always consult your physician before beginning any exercise program. This general information is not intended to diagnose any medical condition or to replace your healthcare professional. Always consult with your healthcare professional to design an appropriate exercise prescription.

The Training Aids

Increase your club head speed


#1 Ground Reaction Force Training Aid

The Force Pedal ®

The Force Pedal is a specialized training aid designed to help you maximize Golf performance by focusing on Ground Reaction Forces (GRF) . Its key purpose is to help golfers improve their balance, stability & proprioception, and overall speed & power through optimized Force Timing & Point of Application to maximize during the swing.

Increase your club head speed


Challenge Your System with

Train4Dynamics ® 

Following the success of The Force Pedal in Golf, now comes our latest addition developed for Fitness with the same high quality design from Italy. Add challenges to your program to keep your brain body connection progressing. Rehabilitate, work on sport specific movements or simply improve your overall movement quality with this versatile training tool.

The Exercices

Floor Exercices

Wall Exercices

Band Exercices

Standing Exercices

Keep An Eye Out

Don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter. We are in current development of a complete program to enhance further challenges and will be featured on

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